Calendar 2025

I propose attending any of these workshops, facilitated in English, to experience how Family Constellations, BChR Method, serves your company or business project.

You have got nothing to lose and much to gain!


Online Workshops in English

Free Online Live Demo: February 18, 18-19h CET

To register for this free event, please click HERE

Online workshop: February 26, 17-20h CET

Special Promotion of €60 (50% discount off the original price of 120€)

These workshops offer you the opportunity of experiencing Corporative Systemic Movements, that is, Family Constellations, BChR Method, at the service of Business Success.

At these workshops you will be able to learn about the non visible dynamics that affect business, companies and organizations.

We will see these dynamics and through the real cases of participants. Once we can see the x-ray, so to speak, of the business, those involved (managers, or others with decision making power) will be able to take the decisions that will bring about resolution, there and then during the workshop.

Corporative Systemic Movements allow us to see what is really happening at a deep level, whether a project is feasible, if a candidate is adequate for a position in our company, the underlying dynamics of a conflict we need to resolve (be it with employees, Unions, justice, the competition, and so on). The information we will obtain is key for the success of our business, as you will be able to experience by yourself.

Topics that will be dealt with at the different workshops:

  • Business Success. Companies, organizations, startups.
  • Professional Efficacy. Professional Realization and Professional Success.
  • Money.
  • Inheritances. Business transfers. Company Successions.
  • Sale and Purchase of Properties -So called Real Estate Constellations.
  • Conflicts within the company or with other entities. Is it necessary to go to court?
  • Family Businesses
  • Work and the Couple Relationship.

Participants will be able to have their business issue set up, depending on the rhythm of the workshop, so as to bring up the dynamics that affect its performance to a conscious level, and thus move on to the successful solution, or to know the dynamics that determine the success or failure of a decision you may need to make.

You will be able to participate as a representative at the systemic configurations of other participants and participate at transformative systemic movements.

All participants are expected to commit to a confidentiality agreement

All together at the Service of Life


  • Your place at any of the workshops
  • Your individual session, whether online or on-site,
  • Group sessions in your premises

    Get in Touch:

    +34 635114244

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