Bert Hellinger, the German philosopher and therapist who developed Family Constellations, or family configurations, gives a demonstration of their application to companies: a businessman has made a merger with two other companies and wants to know if it will work.
The three companies are set up, represented by a person each, and the profit, represented by a fourth. The profit representative moves away from two of the companies.
Hellinger adds another person for a fourth company. Now profit is attracted to all of them. This fourth company has been the solution.
“… When there are three one has to leave. Two or four should always be taken, but never three. To save this merger a fourth company has to be added. A committee of three is a bad committee, because there will always be two who are against the third. It is a law of life. If you know that, you save a lot of money” Bert Hellinger (La práctica del asesoramiento empresarial, p.76, translated by María Escribano for this post.)
Would you like to see what dynamics of success or failure a configuration of your company, your project, your team, shows, as well as the solution?
Contact: María Escribano del Moral, systemic consultant.
Tel/WhatsApp: +34 635114244
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