
business and family

The corporate systemic exercise tool, by configuring, through representative techniques, the relevant elements of the issue we want to solve or see, gives us immediate access to non-visible information, providing in a brief session an immediate vision of what is wrong and what needs to be fixed to solve the problem, or to make the right decision.

We will see that it initiates a movement that leads us to the solution that is good for all, to a greater self-knowledge, and to the improvement of the deep underlying relationships that affect our business, improving also our personal life, as well as our family and social environment, since everything is interconnected.

We will work with two complementary lines:

  1. Seeing what is there, in order to decide.
  2. Resolve, thanks to the new decisions that you will already be able to make.
business and family

It is not coaching, nor is it the so-called organizational constellations:

These are brief but effective sessions that will allow you to know and solve something related to your company that is not possible to do with traditional means, and from the rational brain. A single session may be enough.

This tool is based on phenomenology and the New Family Constellations (BChR method) applied to the business world, because what happens in the company is but a symptom of the family system. All the dynamics of life, including work and business, the dynamics that affect companies, have their origin and are a reflection of the dynamics of the family system, and are governed by the same forces.

The systemic approach from the New Family Constellations leads us to success in business and does so effectively.

“At the beginning, Family Constellations were mainly concerned with personal relationships. They brought to light the fundamental orders of love, according to which our relationships succeed or fail.

When I began to investigate the laws of success and failure in work and the profession, and increasingly in companies and organizations, it came to light that they follow the same orders.”

Bert Hellinger, Success in Life, Success in Business.

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