V-Benture through the eyes of a Systemic Consultant: Ibili Aurrera! (Go Ahead!)


Transform your company with Quantum Systemic Consulting: Reflections from B-Venture

It was great to attend B-Venture and immerse myself in the haunting creativity, entrepreneurial spirit and energy of all the speakers at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao.

There was one presentation in particular yesterday that I could not miss, attracted as I was to its title, since the #systemic #consultancy service I offer is based 100% on the purely #quantum nature of #phenomenology: It translated as ‘#Bizkay, quantum territory for entrepreneurship’. This talk, presented by Valentín García, Director of Innovation at Lantik S.A., the technology and innovation company of the Diputación Foral de Bizkaia (Provincial Council of Bizkay), of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, in Spain, dealt with the fascinating #BIQAIN initiative, Bizkaia Quantum Advanced Industries, which promotes the development and adoption of quantum technology in this region (to listen to his introduction in Basque was also a pleasure to my ears by the way, hizkuntza eder hau!).

It was a real pleasure and satisfaction to hear someone of his stature speak bravely, and with such an unassuming attitude, about something as disruptive and yet as real and fascinating as quantum physics, which challenges our mechanistic perception and understanding of reality and human relationships.  It was also exciting to learn about the strong commitment to quantum of a Basque government agency.

Systemic consultancy, a quantum methodology par excellence, based on the method of phenomenology, also responds to this nature of the world at the quantum level, which the rational brain does not easily accept (for the time being!).

The tool of New Family Constellations also shows the phenomenon of intertwined electrons where what happens to one is experienced by the other even though they may be thousands of kilometres apart, or which can, as Valentín García Souto explained, as soon crash into a wall as a particle as well as pass through it as a wave under the influence of the observer himself.

New Family Constellations, developed by Bert Hellinger in this new modality in 2005, and taken further since by Brigitte Champetier with her BChR method, base their great effectiveness for business and organisational success precisely on their quantum nature. This tool can reveal in a short session the non-visible information that is essential for effective decision-making, enabling the resolution of complex corporate dynamics, the identification and solution of organisational problems, and the improvement of cohesion and performance in the company. Imagine, for example, what it could mean for an investment broker to be able to see in less than 30 minutes which startups are reliable in the timeframe they have set, or if you are a startup, to know which investment bet is right for you by quickly accessing information that is otherwise unavailable.

Despite the fear and caution with which systemic consultants and organisational constellators introduce similar methodologies in the business environment, it is time to offer this service couragously. The evidence is clear: it works! The new family constellations applied in the business environment are a powerful tool for professional and organisational success. It is time to embrace this methodology with confidence and avail of its full potential.

Take advantage of this innovative methodology to transform your company. Quantum systemic consulting is a valuable and effective tool for any business project in any of its stages. Do you want to check it out? Contact me and let’s schedule a session.

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