
For companies and organizations

For professionals at an individual level

For companies and organizations

For professionals at an individual level

For companies and organizations

  • Individual sessiones for managers
    • onsite
    • online
  • Group sessions at the premisses of the company or organization

For professionals at an individual level

  • One-to-one Sessions for managers
    • onsite
    • online
  • Group Sessiones at the company or organization premises
  • One-to-one Sessions
    • onsite
    • online
  • Workshops

Sessions may be in English, Spanish, or bilingual, euskaraz ere bai...

The One-to-one session

Why a one-to-one session? Individuals in management positions within a company or organisation often prefer one-to-one sessions for confidentiality reasons.

Do we all need to attend the session? It is not necessary for everyone involved to be present at the session, as we will have access to the necessary information regardless of whoever attends.

A single person who is directly related to the issue to be explored and/or solved is enough to gain access to the non visible dynamics that affect it.

How is a one-to-one session? In the individual sessions only the person and I participate. If it is necessary to consider other people involved in the issue at hand, the two of us will represent them.

This way of proceeding allows us to obtain a very complete experiential view and understanding of the company, of the relationships in the company, among the different departments, and/or among the different elements to be considered in the business, if we take this as the objective of the session (first step: seeing). It may not be necessary if we want to focus on the resolution phase (which is in itself minimalist, as we will focus on what is essential).

The group session for companies

It is essential that all participants attend of their own free will.

The group session is helpful when it is necessary for all those involved in joint decision-making to be present, such as in a partnership venture, for example. This way it will be possible to modify existing agreements or make new joint decisions in the light of the new information that we will bring up to the conscious level.

Are all those involved in an agreement oriented towards the same goal? Sometimes at an unconscious level this is not the case. The awareness we will gain in the group session will lead to a greater commitment, or a different way of proceeding in the business or project, to the benefit of all.

It is important to be aware that personal information necessarily emerges, because at a deep level there is no separation between our work and social environment and what happens in our private and family life, even if we are not concious of it. A commitment to confidentiality on the part of all those present and a deep respect for everything that may arise in the non-judgemental space of the session becomes therefore paramount.


Book your session

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    +34 635114244

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